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Lives of Doctor Wives: September 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Poll - What is the square footage where you live?

New poll is up to go along with last week's.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Making mistakes

Of course we all make mistakes in life. But it is magnified with physicians because they literally have lives at stake. I was reading this article in The Reader's Digest about doctors confessing their mistakes and why they don't admit it more often. Um, maybe it is just me, but I think it has far less to do with pride and arrogance and far more to do with the litigious society we are living in and the consequences of law suits.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tool bag

For the second time in less than a week, I have been extremely grateful that Brad carries a tool bag in his car. (I won't go into the story on here in case people aren't interested, but feel free to read it on my personal blog.) Anyway, the bag is awesome. It's like a first aid kit on steriods. Lots of tools you would want in a minor medical emergency. It's just a small messenger bag and he uses pencil cases to divide the tools by the emergency and keep things organized. Might I suggest you keep one close by? You never know when you will need one. :o)


Monday, September 20, 2010

Poll - How much do you pay for rent/mortgage?

Happy voting!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Baby Fever!!!

Hi! My husband is a soon-to-be MS1. I know it is going to be a major change of pace when he is in school, but I am here for him all the way! The one thing is... right now I am getting MAJOR baby fever. I wonder what everyone's opinions are on having a baby while your hubby is in medical school??

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Poll - Do you or your DrH smoke or use chew?

New poll is up. Sorry it is late. Crazy couple of days. :o) Voting will still end early Monday morning, so vote soon!


Monday, September 13, 2010

Spread the Word and Spread the Love

On October 14, I will be speaking to resident wives at a local medical alliance group to talk about several social media sites (including this site, many of your blogs, my wingspouse blog, and other resources) they may appreciate knowing about. This got me thinking... why not spread the word in your area, too?

Many of you know how nice it is to share residency stories and to support each other. You have probably visited many of our blogs (they are listed on the sidebar of this blog), and they are fun to frequent. I know I love to see comments on my blog from spouses I've met here and on other blogs. I really enjoyed the recent Resident's Wife Blog Tour some of us participated in, too.

If your area has a medical alliance, a medical society, a hospital alliance, a doctors' wives club, or some other similar group, offer to spend a few minutes telling them about all of our blogs. I don't know about you, but I'm lalways excited to see new "faces" and welcome them into our cyber-circle.

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Survivor Saturdays: Vacationing on Vouchers

I don't know about the rest of your husbands, but my husband was never good at pinching pennies. We jokingly say that it's a good thing he became a doctor because not many careers could support his spending. The man even likes shoes!

Anyway, for years I was on him to be more conscious about spending, wasting, etc. I had to take care of the finances so we could save for our first house. I would hide away money and not tell him and then when we needed something, I would pull it out. He was so excited and amused. Well, the day came that I was sooo done taking care of the finances and I dumped it in his lap. I swore I wasn't going to worry about it anymore. That would be his job.

Now five years later, he just surprised me with an anniversary vacation to Costa Rica (our 20th!). While I was excited to go, I was also worried that he had just committed us to a hefty balance on our credit card. Yes, we make good money but we recently moved to a area where houses cost twice as much. We also have three boys headed for college in the next couple of years... one is already there.

I was pleasantly surprised when he said he had been saving up his frequent flier miles to pay for our plane tickets, his hotel points were covering our hotel the night before we flew out, and although he chose to go to Costa Rica in off-season to save money, the owners of the rental home let him have it for free as their gift!

So if you think a nice vacation is out of reach, think again. If my husband can get us there on the cheap... anyone can do it. Just make sure you're taking advantage of all those hotel and airfare points programs. If you're interested in reading my blog post about our week together, here it is:

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Away Rotations

For those of you still in medical school, I put together a post on my advice for away rotations. You can check it out here: Advice from a Doctor's Wife: Away Rotations.

For those of you MSIVs good luck - its a crazy, exciting and stressful year - but you will survive! Feel free to email me if you have any questions, would like any advice, or need to vent about applying to residency!

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Where are you in the training process?

So I finally got around to updating everyone's status as another medical year began way back in July!

Could you please check your name in the righthand column and make sure I updated you correctly? For those of you newly minted resident/doctor wives would you please let me know what specialty you are in?

I most likely made several mistakes and may have increased someone two years and didn't advance someone else, so I'd appreciate it if you could make sure your name, year and specialty is correct and if it is not please email me at champagneandbonbons@gmail.com or marriedtoamedicalstudent@gmail.com.
Thanks so much!


Monday, September 6, 2010

Things they say

Anyone have funny stories about the crazy thing their DrH says? Sometimes the crazy part is that the conversation seems so normal. LOL!

I had this conversation with Brad last week. Last year, when the leeches got lost, we were at a Resident's BBQ, talking about where you can get medicinal leeches. The residents that were on call got paged while we were all looking it up. Ahhhh, fun times!


Poll - How often do you shave your legs?

Labor Day. Does that mean summer is over? My kids start school tomorrow. Wowza.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Everyone loves a giveaway!

We made it to 175! YAY! That means it is time to start collecting items for the giveaway. If you have something to contribute, please let me know. Or, if you are willing to contact stores, websites, etc. to ask for donations, let me know that too!

It won't happen until we reach 200 followers, so we have some time. You can reach me by going to my profile under the admin link.

Thanks, everyone!!


Blog Tour Is Up!

The last stop of the blog tour is posted and this week we are discussing Residency! Last week was awesome - I know I personally found a bunch of great new blogs to follow so thanks to those of you who participated!!

Link up to post about your journey through residency! If you're still a med school spouse, you can tell us what your plans for residency are :)

Things you can talk about are:
-The Match
-If you had to move for residency
-The transition from school to residency
-Your spouse's schedule, calls, etc

Happy Friday!!