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Lives of Doctor Wives: July 2014

Friday, July 18, 2014

Summer Dessert Recipes That Pack a Punch!

Summer Dessert Recipes That Pack a Punch!
By Angela Hummel, MS, RDN, CSO, LDN

            Summer is a great time to attend cookouts, parties and festivities.  When we get together so often with friends and family members, we tend to eat more!  Parties are all about the food and socialization is almost always centered on food.  I have learned, mostly because of my own food addiction, that the more appealing food looks – healthy or not – people want to eat it!

            Here are some fun, colorful recipe ideas that are perfect for the Fourth of July festivities and they are full of fiber, phytochemicals, and antioxidants and lower in calories.  The best part is that they taste great!!

This New York-style No Bake Cheesecake is topped with brightly colored, fresh strawberries and blueberries.  The fruit on this dessert can easily be changed to raspberries, blackberries or cherries to pack a healthy punch.

Reprinted with permission from the American Institute of Cancer Research

            Chocolate and Blueberry Tofu Mousse with Sesame Crunch is another interesting and unique recipe that has been designed with cancer prevention qualities.  This recipe satisfies cravings for sweet and crunchy all at once.  Try using white chocolate chips instead of dark chocolate chips and add red berries to make it fit a red, white and blue theme. 

Reprinted with permission from the American Institute of Cancer Research

            Try this tasty spin on traditional Red Velvet Cake.  This recipe uses the natural red color of beets to give these cupcakes a vibrant red hue.  The addition of beets also boosts the fiber, folate and phytochemical content of this moist cake.  Top with dark, sweet cherries and dark chocolate shavings to set this dessert apart from the rest. 

Reprinted with permission from the American Institute of Cancer Research

            Make this summer a summer of healthy eating by deliberately choosing to eat foods that provide cancer-fighting properties.  Start today by getting creative, making food fun and exploring the power of a mostly plant-based diet!

I am a registered dietitian who specializes in oncology nutrition.  Check out my blog at www.takingbites.com. 


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Wretched Cytokines

by: Tasha Priddy

I was in a band once. We called ourselves the Wretched Cytokines, and we named our first album Fluid in the Interstitial Spaces. The Wretched Cytokines had four members: my parents, my brother, and me, and we formed when my mom was in her first year of medical school. I was ten, my brother was eight, and my parents were great sports about taking breaks from work and studying to belt out Queen and Meat Loaf ballads in shaky four-part harmonies and imagine we were the greatest up-and-coming rock band the earth had ever seen.

The band never really amounted to much, which is why I've had to resort to being a medical groupie for almost half my life. My mom started medical school when I was in fifth grade and she graduated from her Family Practice residency just before my senior year of high school. I had a brief reprieve from all things medical during college, until I met a handsome, curly-haired history major who was preparing to take the MCAT. We got married a year later, and he is now starting his PGY-3 year in ortho, and our two sons and I are his biggest fans.

One thing I learned from my first medical school and residency experience is that your whole family goes through residency together, and that you might as well make it fun. When, in seventh grade, I made a comic book representation of a bean's journey through the digestive tract, my mom took it to show her classmates. As a teenager, I would study with my mom and we'd quiz each other on family medicine boards questions (her) and The Scarlet Letter (me). When Mom had to work holidays, my dad would pack up a yummy dinner or order a pizza and we'd crowd in the call room and eat together, with her pager providing an occasional distraction. For our after-school snack, Mom taught us how to peel our oranges and then how to suture them back together. And, memorably, when she learned about how the inner ear affects balance, my brother and I were her guinea pigs and she dripped cold water into our ears and had us attempt to walk in a straight line, and we all giggled when we couldn't do it.

As I go through round two of residency, I'm realizing how hard she worked, not just as a resident but as a mom, to make sure that we knew we were an important part of her life. And I'm grateful that my husband is willing to make the same sacrifices. Our kids are a little bit young for suturing and at-home dissections, but he never shies away from telling his kids what he really does at work, and teaches them while he does: our three-year-old recently took a tumble, and when I asked him if I could take a look at his knees, he said "you mean my patellas?" He puts his books away until the boys are in bed, and spends time snuggling, roughhousing, and reading with them, and makes sure they don't feel neglected.

I'll admit, when I met my handsome history major and he announced his intentions to become a doctor, I wasn't thrilled. I knew more about the process then than he did, and I knew exactly how long and painful it can be. I'm kind of embarrassed about feeling that way, though, because my mom's training was such a wonderfully defining part of my own life, and I loved (and still love!) having a Dr. Mom. Our children are already benefiting from my husband's training, and even though they're young, I hope they remember the thrill of eating birthday cake smuggled into the hospital, the joy of playing impromptu games of mini golf using bone models as clubs, and the fun of making new friends each July whose moms and dads are just like theirs.

So for those of you in residency, and particularly those of you who have children, make it fun. Eat in the call rooms. Teach your kids what their resident does at work, and let their Dr. Moms and Dads take their work home every now and then - just be aware, and I say this from personal experience, that if you bring a fetal pig home to dissect as a family project, your kitchen will stink for days. And I give you all official permission to form a Wretched Cytokines tribute band - may you have more success (and every bit as much fun) as we did.


Friday, July 4, 2014

I couldn’t have survived medical school and now residency without practicing these simple steps

Having three kids under age four and a husband in PGY2 is no small feat. Some days, life is awesome. My DrH actually gets to come home when he says he will, helps with the kids, cleans up after dinner and gives me a foot rub while we watch TV. We call these “Golden Days” and we savor them. But more often than not, life is a struggle.

I could write a book on why savoring the Golden Days will save your sanity and marriage, but I think that point is fairly universally understood. What isn’t universal is how to cope with the crappy days; because no two people’s crappy days are the same. Here is the advice I’ve learned so far (and wish I would have gotten earlier in this journey!).

Your DrH would rather be at home. Yes, he’s gone all the time. But he’d rather be at home with you than at work. That’s just the way of things. His constant absence from your life isn’t because he doesn’t like you; it’s because he likes you enough to provide for you. (I know that we all know this. But as women, we’re emotional beings and have to remind ourselves to be rational about things!)
Learn To Be Independent. I finally found happiness and sanity in this crazy life of residency when I realized that I needed to implement and adhere to a schedule, regardless of my DrH’s schedule. At first, I’d let the kids stay up until 10pm to see Daddy. But the next day we’d all be cranky and irritable. Yes, putting the kids to bed at 8pm means they may go several days without seeing their dad. But it also means that they’re respectful, kind, easy to get along with and much less prone to temper tantrums during the 12+ hours I’m with them. If my husband happened to come home early, we consider it a happy surprise and we’re all overjoyed. If not, at least I know that tomorrow won’t be Grouch City.

Recharge Your Batteries. Walk the aisles of target. Lock yourself in your bedroom and paint your toenails while chatting with a friend. Go out to dinner with your mom. Whatever gets you out of the house and away from the kids; away from the dishes in the sink and the Mount Everest sized pile of laundry for a few hours. When you return to face reality, you’ll feel recharged, refreshed and reenergized to tackle the tasks at hand.

Take breaks. Let the dishes sit for a few hours. Skip that project you’d planned on getting done today. The way to enjoy your kids is by getting on the floor and playing with them. Even the best laid plans of educational play, sensory exploration or science lessons devolve into tickle fights and indoor soccer. But it’s the tickle fights that they’ll remember anyway, so let it slide. That being said:
Pick Your Battles. With your husband and kids, especially. If the problem will go away by a change of your attitude, then let it go. There are so many real problems, so many bigger fish to fry, that the little stuff has to be ignored. Recognize also that one person’s mountain is another’s molehill. What is unacceptable behavior to you may be par for the course for someone else. Only you can decide which hills you’re willing to die on.

Have Sex. Often. And with gusto. It’s a great stress reliever and brings you closer as a couple. It’s easy to forget to be intimate when you’re both so exhausted, but it’s important to schedule one on one “Mommy and Daddy Time”.

Act As A Team. I tell my three year old “We’re all on the same team. We’re Team Westbrook and we cheer for each other.”. On occasion, I’ve had to remind my DrH that I’m on his team. We’re stronger together than we are apart, and neither of us could function as we do now without the other. He’s gone all day working so that I can raise the kids and run the house. I run the house and raise the kids so he can be at work all day to both advance his career and provide for the family. We’re equal partners on the same team, working toward the same goal.

Be Kind. Really, is there anything more simple and yet more important? Stress is so quickly accompanied by short tempers, which can lead to compounding the problem. As I tell my children: it’s important to be kind, even when you don’t feel like it. Being snotty (while satisfying at times) serves no purpose. You’d be amazed what a difference being polite will make. I’m still working on this one!

There you go, ladies. I hope this advice hits home with some of you! These are the things that I’ve had to learn in my 5 years of marriage. I couldn’t have survived medical school and now residency without practicing these simple steps! Good luck! -Jackie Westbrook

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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

2014 Annual Medical New Year Giveaway RESULTS!

2014 Annual Medical New Year Giveaway 
**All winners have been contacted
**For privacy, names are first name, last initial.

1. $20 Gift Certificate to Origami Owl from Trisha Stibbe

2.  $25 Gift card to a restaurant donated by moderator, Melissa Larson.
Holly M.

3.  One set of 4 insect shaped lotion bars; as seen in the picture, donated by Kristy Scott.  The lotion bars are handmade using coconut oil, beeswax, and lavender essential oil.  

Laura A.

4.  $25 Groupon Gift Card donated by Dhurga Ganesh.
Karie M.

5.  $20 in credit to Kristin Murphy's Etsy Shop, The Simple Perks!https://www.etsy.com/shop/theSimplePerks
Lacey G.

6.  $30 E-giftcard to Powells.com, an independent book store out of Portland, OR by Tiffany Sweeney.  Check out Tiffany's blog and facebook page, Tif Talks Books!

Moderator Clara Tsai is donating the following:

7.  A New Haiku Hobo!
Sarah R.
8.  A beautiful ruffle scarf that she made!
Veena J.

9.  Wen Conditioner (summer mango coconut)
Emily S.

10.  Wen Conditioner (spring gardenia green tea)
Beka D.

Mary Ann Clements has offered us two beautiful bracelets!

11.  Frozen Silver Charm Bracelet
Desiree J.

12.  Elsa Inspired Frozen European Style Bracelet
Priya P.

13.  Marianne Mills has offered to purchase a giveaway winner a copy of the book, The Five Love Languages!http://www.amazon.com/The-Love-Languages-Secret-Lasts/dp/0802473156/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1401137030&sr=8-1&keywords=the+five+love+languages
Shalasha D.

Crisanne Barker has two donations!
14.  A beautiful Kendra Scott Necklace!
Debbie M.
Kendra Scott Rayne Necklace in Cobalt
14K Gold Plated Over Brass
Size: 5.5"L x 1.125W pendant, 30" chain with extender
Retail $80.00

15.  1 Smashbox Full Exposure Palette with 14 shadows and trial size mascara
        2 Urban Decay Eye Pencils in Smoke and Whiskey
Joelle C.

16.  Our Founding Admin, Melisa Mons is offering a Potty Time DVD/CD and watch!
Tabetha G.
17.  Sarah McKenna, one of our beloved ex-Admins, is offering a $25 shop credit to her Etsy page, Bombshell Bling Jewelry!!

18.  Nicole Caywood is donating a makeup bag with some Younique 3D fiber lash mascara, two eyeshadows, and a lip gloss.https://www.youniqueproducts.com/NicoleCaywood/
Ariell S.
19.  Amy Redfield is offering up a bracelet that she will customize the initials on for whoever wins the item!
Jennifer W.

20.  Beka Dougherty will donate a Scentsy Burner and two scent bars!
Nicole W

21. $20 Gift Card to Jamberry nails by Felicia Rodriguez!
Jamie C.

22.  $50 Barnes and Nobles Gift Card from Leah Guinn, Courtesy of her blog, wellreadsherlockian.com
Jessica S.
23.  Eva WB is donating some crocheted baby booties!!!
Amy K.

24.  Customize your very own headband!!! Crystal Hinkle is offering a headband from her home business, https://www.facebook.com/duragzheadbands!!
Kristen M.

25.  Moderator Sandra Ziegler is offering her beautiful "Shooting Star" Earrings!!
Sybil H.

26. Jenni Kneuertz is offering a set of Custom Family Name blocks from her facebook group, Crafting Through Residency!!
Whit C.

Li Khan is offering up two giveaway items!
27.  A Keurig K45 Elite Single Serve Brewing System in the color of your choice!
Darcy G

Erika J.

29.  Stacey Hostetter is offering:  
One small black locket
One black ball station chain
One of my in stock charms of your choice 
Ashley A.

30-40.  Larson Financial is donating 10 of their books, Doctor's Eyes Only!
Janna L.
Christine C.

Steffanie S.
Lauren R.

Michelle L.
Amy S.
Danyelle S.
Lindsey N.

Maggie D.

Larson Financial is donating TEN copies of their new book. DOCTOR'S EYES ONLY: Exclusive Strategies for Today's Doctors and Dentists is the missing financial guide that physicians need as a supplement to their ongoing professional training. These pages include basic financial wisdom that could end up saving you millions of dollars throughout your medical career.
The strategies and advice contained are unique to the needs of high-income physicians and dentists. Asset protection, investment fundamentals, tax planning, and practice management are well covered by the leaders of America's largest financial firm that exclusively serves the needs of high income medical professionals.

41.  From Courtney Roshamanesh!!! 
Sarah B.

42.  Lavanya Rayapudi has donated a pair of Stella and Dot Earrings!
Megan P.

Lara Buchheit is donating the following:

43-44.  A set of toddler socks! (2 winners)
Sara S

45.  1 set of 3 hand knitted dishcloths
Nicole S.
46.  1 set of 3 hand knitted baby washcloths
Alison K

47.  Jaye Kliewer is donating a custom framed map that says "Home is wherever you are"
April T.

Dora Alaniz is donating:
48.  1 do terra intro kit 
Sandra Z
49.  1 slim and sassy essential oil
Amy H 
50.  1 lemon essential oil
Stephanie B

51. Katie Schauf,  is offering a 8X10 frame in the winner's choice of color and style from The Organic Bloom!  Katie also has her own photography business!  
Jennifer A

52.  AlliRN is offering a Pedicure package!  
Dhurga G

53.  Jennifer Ozuna, admin and delightful giveaway organizer ;-) Is offering a $30 credit for her business Top It Off Cupcake and Cake Toppers!
Leise R

Veena Jetti, Admin and #HashtagQueen, has donated the following:
54.  $25 Amazon GC from scribesforyou.com
Scribes for You is a blog service coming soon! Our service allows the medical community and other small businesses to keep their websites fresh, informative, and fun with blogs at minimal cost to you! If you are a writer, you can earn $$$$ by writing and submitting quality blogs for our requesters!

Kristy S.

55.  $25 Amazon GC from Dr. Vamseen Jetti MD, PA: a partner of Texas Star Anesthesia Management
TSAM is an anesthesia group in the DFW area focused on compassion, commitment, and quality care as your anesthesia provider. As a patient, you can choose your anesthesiologist-- ask for Texas Star Anesthesia Management.

For physicians- We provide anesthesia coverage for all of our surgeons and proceduralists and take call simultaneously. We always accommodate you and your patient and help grow your practice. When you succeed, we succeed!

Renda R.

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